
Sustainable innovative fluid technologies and digitalization solutions.

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Advancing a sustainable innovative fluid technologies and digitalization solutions for all

Innovating for sustainability

We are committed to developing solutions that support global sustainable development by increasing our customers’ productivity, reducing cost and helping them meet their sustainability ambitions. We recognize that climate change is the biggest challenge of our time, so we will do our part to reduce global CO2 emissions in many ways, but especially through what we do best: our energy saving innovations. By helping our customers transition to the latest energy saving technology, we help them lower their CO2 emissions and contribute to a better tomorrow.

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Technological inclusivity

Tackling climate change will require an all technologies approach which fosters research and development, and the innovation and collaboration required for achieving breakthroughs. Including diversity in options across geographies, space, time and sectors encourages a collaborative model, which is key to spreading knowledge, fostering research and development, and helping to diffuse new ideas.

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Together let's cut the carbon

We accelerate the energy transition through innovative technologies towards a carbon-neutral future. Through Sustainability strategy, we aim to achieve carbon-neutrality in our own operations by 2050. In addition, we target to reduce our emissions along the value chain with customers, partners, and suppliers, supporting SDG 7 ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’ and aligned with the Paris agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees to enable them to tackle climate change through our innovative fluid technologies and digitalization solutions.

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Sustainable energy future

Fluid motion is the driving force behind the operations powering the world. From deep-ocean production wells to downstream processing, the most critical water, power, oil and gas and chemicals operations rely on advanced fluid motion technology. By partnering with Egaturbo technology, we can optimize the flow and efficiency of our customer systems, traditional industrial companies, and those in emerging markets are not only saving money, but also for protecting our planet.

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Culture at Egaturbo group

Egaturbo Values

People, Integrity, Innovation


Egaturbo Cares

Making an impact in our communities.


Egaturbo ESG

Striving for a clean energy future.


Our Sustainability Vision, for environmental improvement.

Egaturbo group aims to become an industry leader in sustainable flow technologies for environmental improvement and thus enhancing the quality of human life.